Spring Update
Welcome to new members! We had a number of new family and individual members join the club recently. Thanks for your support!
Now collecting Club Dues for 2013 -- Thanks for being a member of the Woodtick Wheelers! For the price of a pizza, you are helping support an ATV club that is having a positive impact in Cass County and across northern Minnesota. Please submit your club dues for 2013 by giving them to one of our board members or mailing a check to: Woodtick Wheelers, PO Box 83, Hackensack, MN 56452. Individual membership: $10. Family membership: $20. Business membership: $25. We encourage members to also join ATVAM -- to join add $20 ($75 Business). Thanks for sending in your dues at this time! Please note any recent changes in your address, phone or email. Questions about your membership? Call Dave at 612-723-1987
Spring Club Meeting -- About 45 people came to our spring meeting, enjoying pancakes, sausages and hot coffee, and visiting after a long winter. Thanks to our cooks and cleanup crew! Josh Stevenson, Cass Cty Land Commissioner, brought us up to date on our Grant-In-Aid ATV Trail. Thanks Josh! And club officers reported on membership (now 320!), funds, our Trail Ambassador program, our letter writing campaign to the Chip (see below), and more. The Adopt-A-Highway cleanup was postponed due to ditches still full of snow.
Thanks for recent donations! -- A special thank-you to Myra and Rodney Damm, who recently donated $500 to the club in memory of their son. And thanks for other monetary donations recently received from the American Legion Post 202 and the Hackensack Lions Club, earmarked for ATV Safety materials, and from members Tim Klosner and Tranquility Acres (Tom & Gina Theisen). Thanks everyone!
Thanks Sheldon! -- Sheldon Hunt was recognized at the meeting for volunteering with safety and security on his ATV at all four Brainerd Jaycees Ice Fishing Contests since we started the club. We spare no expense for awards, of course, so we gave Sheldon a block of ice, topped with a picture of him riding his ATV at the event on Gull Lake in -35 F wind chill. A big thanks to all those who have volunteered at this event, which has earned the club a 4-year total of $2000.
Woodtick Trail Update -- Thanks to everyone who participated in our letter campaign to the Chippewa National Forest, encouraging the Chip to consider opening just one mile of the Woodtick Trail, as part of their mandatory annual road review. This request, to open the Woodtick from Lady Bug Trail west one mile to a Forest Road open to OHVs, would have provided hundreds of families along the Woodtick with access to the Forest Roads and the public forest on their ATVs. Unfortunately, our campaign was not successful, and the entire Woodtick Trail remains closed to ATVs. We will keep trying, and encourage members who joined the club specifically to get the Woodtick Trail re-opened to stick with us, and help us as we continue to work on this effort to “Open The Woodtick!”
ATV Safety Education Trailer A Big Success -- We bought our enclosed trailer using a $10,000 grant from Polaris, and $2,000 in funds from our Trail Ambassador grant. It is a key component of our efforts to lower the ATV accident rates in Cass County and northern Minnesota. We reported to Polaris that, last year, we had the trailer at 11 club events, over 800 people visited the trailer, and we passed out over 500 handouts -- maps, reg books, ATV safety materials, and kids ATV safety activity books. There are about 15 ATV-accident fatalities each year in MN, last year from ages 5 to 89. We are dedicated to doing our part to drop this number to 0.
-----------------------------Clip and Save our fun summer schedule---------------------------
Woodtick Wheelers 2013 Club Rides & Events:
April 27 -- WW Spring Meeting / Pancake Breakfast
May 1 -- ATV Trails Open (likely closed due to wet conditions, check DNR web site)
June 8 -- WW Club Ride, Round River ATV/OHM Trails, Akeley -- Meet at Stompin’ Grounds, 9 a.m. coffee, pastries. New club shirts & caps! Start ride at 9:30 a.m. Lunch at Lodge.Directions: 3 miles north of Akeley on State 64.
June 28-30 -- Cass County Fair (ATV Safety Trailer, visiting with fair-goers, handing out ATV safety information and maps, Friday pm / Saturday, everyone is invited to help at this fun event)
July 4, Thursday -- Longville Parade (ride with our members and club trailer!)
July 9, Tuesday -- Sweetheart Days Parade / Hackensack (always a fun parade!)
July 27 -- Annual meeting, board elections, club ride to Huddles Resort for lunch
August 10 -- Backus Cornfest Parade & Club Ride at Spider Lake OHV Trails
August 24 -- Club Ride -- Moose River ATV Trail, Outing
September 14 -- Club ride to Huddles Resort for lunch, Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup
October ?? -- Walker ATV Safety Class
Watch our redesigned web site and Facebook page for more news, photos and updates!
Send us your comments and fun club ideas for rides and events!
Woodtick Wheelers Board:
Dave Halsey, President dvhalsey@aol.com 612-723-1987
John Dickerman, Vice President johnandjoycedickerman@gmail.com 507-317-7711
Chuck Andrews, Secretary chuck.andrews@yahoo.com 763-263-7784
Mike Ebinger, Treasurer mebin@arvig.net 218-507-0153
Julie Andrews, Dick Buche, Karen Nytes, Marv Hartneck, Lloyd Solarz
Woodtick Wheelers ATV Club
P.O. Box 83
Hackensack, MN 56452
Thanks to a Polaris Trails grant, the Woodtick Wheelers were able to purchase a Polaris Sportsman 110 EFI to be used for youth safety training.
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