2013 Summer Club Update

Woodtick Wheelers ATV/OHM Club

2013 Summer Update


Welcome new members!

We’ve had many new members join the club this year. Welcome! We now have 355 members, including 28 business members! To see how far we’ve come in just 4 years, open the attachment:  “Woodtick Wheelers By The Numbers.”


Annual Meeting & Ride To Huddles

Over 40 people attended the annual meeting on Saturday, July 27th. We had coffee and donuts fresh from Woman Lake Lodge. The meeting went 1 hour, followed by a club ride from Stony Lake to Huddle’s Resort on Leech Lake for lunch. 17 ATVs and side-by sides participated. Jeanette Mika won the poker run with 3 sixes, and was awarded the pot ‘o money in a stiff north wind on Whipholt beach.


New Club Board

New board members elected are Sue Buche and Dick Nytes, who join the rest of the board for the coming year: Karen Nytes, Julie Andrews, Dick Buche, Lloyd Solarz, Mike Ebinger, John Dickerman and Dave Halsey.


2013 Top Salesman Award

The highly coveted traveling trophy went to Mike Ebinger, who signed up 17 new members this year, including 7 business members in Longville. Thanks Mike!


Grant-In-Aid ATV Trail

Cass County purchased a key piece of property near the Longville city limits that allows us to move our proposed route out of the ROW of Cty 5 and into the woods on county property. This will lower the estimated cost of the first 2.3 miles of our GIA trail from $200K to $20K, and is a key step in our progress to create a safe, signed and club-managed ATV trail connecting Longville to Whipholt, and later Whipholt to Hackensack. 


Distribution of Adventure Trail materials

The club is distributing 2,000 “Adventure Trail” ATV-safety activity books and color crayon boxes to area youths, through our business members, chambers of commerce and local stores. Thanks to the Hackensack Lions and American Legion Post 202 for their cash donations that paid for shipping costs of these materials, made available by NOHVCC.


“Trails Day” At Minnesota State Fair

Monday, August 26th is “Trails Day” at the DNR building. Our club will be manning the ATV Simulator again this year on that day. We could use a few more volunteers to help, each will receive a ticket for admission and parking at the fair, for working a few hours with the simulator. It’s a lot of fun. No previous experience necessary. Email Dave Halsey if you are interested. 




August 24 -- Club Ride -- Moose River ATV Trail, Outing

(Meet at trailhead and parking area off State Hwy 6 at 9:00 a.m. Directions from Longville: east on Cty 7, south on State 6, go 3-4 miles, turn left at Ben Draper Tower Road, parking lot on left)


August 26 -- “Trails Day” at MN State Fair -- Club will work the DNR ATV Simulator at DNR area. A fun time. Work half a day, then visit the fair, club provides ticket and parking. Sign up today by replying to this email!


September 14  -- Club Ride, Stony Lake To Whipholt & Adopt-A-Highway cleanup 


September 20-22 -- ATVAM Fall Convention - Chisholm


September 27-29 -- Hackensack Chainsaw Event.


October __?__ -- ATV Safety Class, Walker Community Center

For ages 11-15, club has CD’s for pre-class at-home instruction.   


Visit our web site at WoodtickWheelers.com and “like” us on Facebook.


Thanks for your support and ride safe!

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Woodtick Wheelers ATV Club

P.O. Box 83

Hackensack, MN 56452


Thanks to a Polaris Trails grant, the Woodtick Wheelers were able to purchase a Polaris Sportsman 110 EFI to be used for youth safety training. 

Our club's ATV Safety Education Trailer was purchased with a $10,000 grant from the Polaris TRAILS program. Thousands of people have visited it at community events, where we passed out over 5,000 ATV maps, reg books and safety handouts. Thanks Polaris!
Our club's ATV Safety Education Trailer was purchased with a $10,000 grant from the Polaris TRAILS program. Thousands of people have visited it at community events, where we passed out over 5,000 ATV maps, reg books and safety handouts. Thanks Polaris!
Every new member gets free club logo stickers for their ATVs and off-highway motorcycles.  Extra logos: $1  Also available in an embroidered patch to sew on your favorite gear. $3 each.
Every new member gets free club logo stickers for their ATVs and off-highway motorcycles. Extra logos: $1 Also available in an embroidered patch to sew on your favorite gear. $3 each.